While viewing the live streams on Twitch you earn Treasure tokens. These tokens can be used for several things. To check your amount of Treasure tokens, you can type “!points” in the Twitch chat window or visit my store on https://streamelements.com/rynllgaming/store (Twitch login needed).

You can redeem 1 Treasure chest for every 1000 Treasure tokens. A message will pop up on the stream window and I will open the Treasure chest(s) live.

Some of the possible rewards are:

- VIP status (temporary)
- Option to timeout a viewer or a moderator for a few minutes
- Your name in the stream title
- Upside-down camera
- Turn off camera
- Wear crazy hat
- Wear sunglasses
- Pick raid target
- Win a free Steam game
- Win free merch!

Rewards might change, not all rewards have the same winning chance!
Earn your own treasure chests at https://www.twitch.tv/rynllgaming/